The mission of Comforting Pets is to keep Catholic Hospice patients connected with their animal companions during the end-of-life journey. We’re here to preserve and ensure this healthy bond for animals and humans.

About Comforting Pets
Pets can offer patients the same comfort as a family member or friend. Comforting Pets volunteers help that pet stay part of daily life by helping with care, feeding and support as the patient’s condition progresses. Comforting Pets also continues its mission by facilitating grooming and veterinary care for pets.

We depend on the help of volunteers to provide this important service to Catholic Hospice patients. If you would like to get involved in supporting the life-affirming bond between pets and people, please fill out the form below.

Thank You to Our Supporters

Millie needs my purrs now more than ever. My friends at Healing with Pets help me spend time with her every single day.
Murray Davis, Cat, Age 9
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