CHS Blog

The Surprising Benefits of Ice Cream

Today is National Ice Cream Day!! There’s nothing like a refreshing scoop of rocky road or very berry strawberry on a hot summer day—but if you’re very health conscious, you might pass on ice cream no matter the season. Well, what if we told you it isn’t so bad for you after all? In fact, […]

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Managing Chronic Conditions in Summer: Tips for Staying Healthy

As the temperature rises and summer activities ramp up, managing chronic health conditions becomes crucial for maintaining well-being. Whether you’re dealing with diabetes, heart disease, asthma, or other ongoing health challenges, the summer heat can pose unique risks. Here are practical tips to help you navigate the season safely and enjoyably: 1. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration […]

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Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month

Understanding Alzheimer’s, Supporting Caregivers, and Promoting Prevention June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. At Catholic Health Services, we understand the profound impact of Alzheimer’s on individuals, families, and communities. With over a decade of support for the Alzheimer’s Association, we are […]

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Are You Ready For The Storm?

As June 1st marks the beginning of hurricane season in Florida, it’s essential to be proactive and prepared for potential storms. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe and ready. Hurricane season in Florida typically runs from June 1st to November 30th. During this time, tropical storms and hurricanes can bring strong winds, […]

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The Connection between Heart Health and Stroke: What You Need to Know

Heart health and stroke are linked, with one impacting the other. It’s essential to understand how heart health influences stroke risk and what steps to take in the event of a stroke. The Relationship between Heart Health and Stroke: The heart and brain are connected through a complex network of blood vessels. When the heart […]

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Stress in Seniors and Coping Strategies

As we observe Stress Awareness Month this April, it’s essential to recognize the impact of stress on seniors’ health and well-being. While stress is often associated with younger demographics, seniors are not immune to its effects. Let’s explore the relationship between stress and seniors’ health, along with three practical tips to help seniors cope with […]

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The Impact of Food Choices on Well-being

In March, as we celebrate National Nutrition Month, it’s essential to reflect on the profound connection between our food choices and overall health. Our food choices play a role in shaping our well-being, influencing everything from heart health and diabetes to brain function and longevity. Heart Health: A Heartfelt Connection Did you know that cardiovascular […]

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Kidney Disease: Prevention, Education, and Care

March is National Kidney Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about kidney health and the prevention of kidney disease. At Catholic Health Services, we recognize the importance of kidney health and are committed to providing comprehensive care to our patients. Let’s talk about the impact of kidney disease, current statistics, prevention strategies, and how […]

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The Power of Heart Health: 5 Simple Steps for American Heart Month

As we navigate through American Heart Month, it’s crucial to recognize the impact of our daily choices on the health of our hearts. Heart disease remains a formidable challenge in the U.S., affecting millions and causing substantial health concerns. Yet, the power to protect #OurHearts lies in small, consistent actions that can make a substantial […]

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Embracing Change: Navigating New Year’s Resolutions

As the calendar turns, many of us embark on the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions. However, the journey from setting a resolution to accomplishing it can be challenging. How can we make 2024 the year of positive change and personal growth? Here are some strategies to help you navigate your resolutions successfully: Remember, the […]

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